move faster. go harder. stay stronger.
Willpower USA
Willpower Bands
Made in the USA for fighters by fighters. Wrestling, jiu jitsu, MMA, boxing, muaythai, no matter your sport, this 1 piece of fitness equipment unlocks 100s of fight sport specific exercises to build your skills at the same time as your speed, strength, and stamina.
- Made in 4 sizes to meet the needs of every athlete*
- Designed in Brooklyn with Olympic Wrestlers, professional fighters, and their offspring
- Hand built in the USA from the highest performing material available
*ZEUS is for Willpower Academies ONLY*
drill posters for the room
Willpower USA
Folkstyle Wrestling Drills Poster
Willpower Bands Drills Poster American Folkstyle Edition. The 8 Core Willpower Band Drills to make every wrestler better. Printed on 18" x 24" heavy poster stock for tough rooms. QR Code access to our video library for accompanying instructional videos
Material:Heavy Paper
Anchors for any room
Anchor Gym
Resistance Band Anchors
When you use Willpower Bands, you should always use a heavy duty anchor. We've partnered with Anchor Gym, a US Based, veteran owned manufacturer of patented heavy duty band anchors to offer anchor packages for the home gym, athletic facility, and fight sport academy
Anchor Package:Home Gym
Installation:Wood Studs